Relationship Unicorns: Are You Ready, or Just Thirsty?

The Hunt for the Mythical Unicorn: A Fairytale or a Dumpster Fire?

Alright, let’s talk about one of the spiciest topics in the modern dating world—hunting for a unicorn. And no, I’m not talking about that majestic, horned beast that sparkles in every Lisa Frank folder from the '90s. I mean the elusive, mythical third partner that seamlessly slides into an established relationship, makes both people happy, and somehow doesn’t torch the whole thing to the ground.

Sounds dreamy, right? Like winning the lottery and getting abs just by eating tacos. But before you start swiping through dating apps with a “looking for a third” in your bio, let’s break this down, because chasing a unicorn might be more of a rodeo than a romantic fairytale.

Why the Hell Do People Even Want a Unicorn?

Look, I get it. Relationships can be a lot—especially monogamy, with its pesky rules like "don’t make out with the bartender" and "maybe don’t lie about where you spent last night." Some couples want to spice things up, add variety, or just explore a fantasy that involves more than their usual two-person routine.

There’s also the classic “we just want to have fun” argument, which sounds harmless until you realize that relationships, even unconventional ones, require effort, emotional investment, and, shockingly, communication.

But let's get real—how often do these things actually work out? According to a 2021 study by the Kinsey Institute, 80% of polyamorous relationships involve a mix of success and utter chaos. Translation: Some people figure it out, but for many, it’s about as stable as a Jenga tower in an earthquake.

The Fantasy vs. Reality: Unicorns Aren’t Pets

If you and your partner are considering bringing someone in, you need to understand that this isn't Build-A-Bear. You don't get to pick out the perfect person, program them to have zero emotional needs, and expect them to just vibe with whatever dynamic you already have in place.

Unicorns are human beings (shocking, I know). They have emotions, preferences, and—get ready—dealbreakers. So if your goal is "We want someone who will love us equally but never have an opinion about our relationship problems," you might as well be trying to buy a leprechaun off Amazon.

Let’s not forget jealousy, the fun little gremlin that sneaks in just when you think things are running smoothly. You may assume you're cool with sharing your partner until you see them giggling at a text that isn’t from you.

Communication: The Thing People Claim They Have but Actually Suck At

If you’re even thinking about inviting a unicorn into your relationship, you better have communication skills that would make a hostage negotiator jealous.

I mean, can you and your partner talk about everything? And I do mean everything—insecurities, boundaries, expectations, Taco Bell orders, and who's taking out the trash? If your normal fights include dramatic door slams and passive-aggressive dish stacking, you might not be ready for a third person in the mix.

Experts (aka people who study this stuff instead of just talking out of their asses) say that relationships thrive on honest communication. A 2022 study from the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that 92% of successful poly relationships have crystal-clear boundaries and constant check-ins. That’s right—92%. Meanwhile, most monogamous couples barely discuss their Netflix password preferences without a full-blown argument.

Is the Unicorn Lifestyle for You, or Are You Just Horny?

This is the real question, isn’t it? Are you looking for a meaningful relationship expansion, or are you just trying to live out a fantasy you saw on a spicy subreddit?

If it's the latter, be honest about it. There’s nothing wrong with exploring kinks, but if you’re pretending it’s about "deep connection" while secretly hoping for a live-action version of your browser history, you’re setting everyone up for failure.

Social Media, Past Blogs, and a Shameless Plug

Before you go chasing mythical creatures, make sure you’re following us on all our socials for more brutally honest takes on modern dating, relationships, and why people still think texting “wyd” is an acceptable way to flirt. And if you missed any of our previous blogs, catch up—because knowledge is power, and power is sexy.

Also, don’t forget to stop by for all-new, fun, lighthearted products that prove you have an excellent sense of humor.


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